Growth and Development Monitoring

Growth and Development Monitoring

Growth monitoring is important from children right from the day when they born and parents should be encouraged to do the followings:

A healthy child is those who are growing well and gaining weight every month. If he is not gaining or losing weight, he/she should be taken to the nearest pediatrics.

Attend regular growth monitoring and promotion session to make sure that your bay is growing well.

During sessions, parents should ask questions to doctor regarding child’s growth, health and nutrition.

Take your baby for growth monitoring and promotion every month during the first year.

Benefits of monitoring the growth and development of the child:

Weight gain is the most important sign that your child is healthy and growing well.

If your child is underweight, a regular check-up will detect the problems.

Every child has a growth chart that tracks his/her growth. It will show that whether child is growing appropriately for his or her age.

If your child is not gaining enough weight over one or two months, they may need a larger service, more nutritious food or more frequent meals.

Physical growth includes the attainment of height and appropriate weight and an increase of size of all organs (except lymphatic tissues, which decrease in size). Growth of a kid from birth to adolescent occur in two phases:

Phase 1 (from birth to about age of 1 to 2 years)
Phase 2 (from about 2 years to the onset of puberty):

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