Skin allergy and Asthma

Skin allergy and Asthma

Asthma in children is generally associated with lung function decline and significant morbidity. Several co-morbidities may contribute to worsen the asthma situation and it may complicate diagnostic and therapeutic management of severe asthmatic patients.

Asthma in children is one of the most common disease now a days. The air pollutions, and airway condition can disrupt sleep, play and other activities. Asthma can’t be cured but you can reduce the symptoms of asthma in your child by following an asthma action plan. You can follow a plan developed by your child’s doctor to track symptoms and adjust treatment.

Asthma treatment in children will improve their day to day breathing, and also reduce their other problem caused by asthma. With proper treatment, you can keep severe asthma under control.

Symptoms of Asthma in Children (Age 5 – 11)

1. Coughing (particularly at night)
2. Difficult breathing
3. Chest pain, discomfort
4. Losing interest in sports or other physical activities.

Asthma Emergencies

Asthma attack can be sometime life threatening. Sign and symptoms of an asthma emergency in children ages 5 – 11 include

1. Significant trouble breathing
2. Persistent coughing
3. Being unable to speak without gasping
4. No improvement even after using an inhaler.

Asthma Treatment

If your child has severe symptoms of asthma, contact an asthma specialist in Greater Noida or any pediatrics. The doctor will prescribe your child the right medication needed to control his/her asthma.

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